Menampilkan postingan dengan label Lirik MandarinTunjukkan semua
Lirik Lagu Stubborn (倔强) Ost. The First Frost - Sandee Chan
Lirik Lagu My Dear Ost. The First Frost - Zhang Yihao
Lirik Lagu Crush Ost. The First Frost - Chen Haosen
Lirik Lagu Invisible Person (隐形人) Ost. The First Frost - Bai Jingting
Lirik Lagu Later (晚点) Ost. The First Frost - Zhang Bichen
Lirik Lagu It's You (是你) Ost. The First Frost - Li Yuchun
Lirik Lagu Like A Sunny Day, Like A Rainy Day (像晴天像雨天) Ost. The First Frost - Silence Wang
Lirik Lagu Everything (一切的一切) Ost. The First Frost - Zhang Ruo Nan & Zhang Miao Yi
Lirik Lagu Tearful Yearning (泪念) Ost. Kill My Sins - Yao Xiaotang
Lirik Lagu Mistakenly Encounter Dust (误尘) Ost. Kill My Sins - Hu Xia
Lirik Lagu There Are Tears In Vicissitudes of Life (沧海有泪) Ost.  Kill My Sins - Silence Wang
Lirik Lagu Dedicate Entirely (尽献) Ost. Love of the Divine Tree - Zhang Zining
Lirik Lagu Heaven and Earth As Witness (天地鉴) Ost. Love of the Divine Tree - Zhao Pinlin
Lirik Lagu White Olive Tree Ost. The White Olive Tree - Budapest Art Orchestra
Lirik Lagu Into the Pieces Ost. The White Olive Tree - Dorothy
Lirik Lagu Home Ost. The White Olive Tree - Chen Xueran
Lirik Lagu Find My Way Back to Life Ost. The White Olive Tree - Jennifer Foster
Lirik Lagu As If An Immortal (若仙) Ost. Love of the Divine Tree - Zhou Shen
Lirik Lagu Circle of Fate (缘圈) Ost. Love of the Divine Tree - Liu Yuning
Lirik Lagu Not Finished (未尽) Ost. Love of the Divine Tree - Pin Guan
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